Spend some time planning for a fun spring season with your family.
Okay, I know some of you still see single digits and snow on the ground. But, it really will fade. Eventually. My five year stint in Kansas City tells me it’s so. Spring will come!
In the meantime — or if you’re already enjoying blue skies and warmer weather — plan to have fun during the spring season.
Make a Big To-Do Out of Spring - Put together a family bucket list for the months leading up to summer. I find that if I plan with my kids, we’re more likely to be mindful of doing fun stuff together. Click through for the free printable.
Enjoy Spring When Your Hours are Limited - JessieLeigh shared some great tips for enjoying the spring outdoors when your hours might be limited due to school and work. I love her reminder to dine al fresco.
Saving Money on Spring Break Eating - Got some outings planned for Spring Break? Consider these tips to curb your spending but still enjoy some good eats.
Mud and Worm Cupcakes - Your kids will love these mud and worm cupcakes. They’re easy to frost and decorate since the messier they are, the better.
Dress for Spring - Freshen up your look for the warmer weather. Consider these easy five steps to getting your wardrobe under control.
Planning a Happy Spring Break - JessieLeigh is one fun mom. She’s packed great ideas for enjoying a fun spring break into this post.
Got a great idea for spring fun?
Do tell.
Spring Has Sprung. Yes, Really. is a post from: Life As Mom. © Jessica Getskow Fisher - All rights reserved.